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The Biggest Misconceptions About Psychic Mediums Featured Image

The Biggest Misconceptions About Mediums

by | Mar 1, 2021 | Psychic Mediumship Development

There are many common misconceptions about mediums. Oftentimes people believe that mediums see and hear spirit with their physical eyes and ears. This isn’t always necessarily true.

Before I developed my Psychic Mediumship ability, I used to have my own misconceptions about Mediums. Over the years, I’ve noticed when working with both mediumship reading clients and students, there are a variety of misconceptions circulating.

Here are just some of the biggest misconceptions I hear regularly, about Mediums:

You have to be born with “the gift” in order to connect in with the spirit realm

There are even some Mediums that believe you have to be born with this gift, but my personal belief is that Mediumship is something that we can develop. It’s a choice to tune into the spirit realm, just like tuning into a specific radio station. It’s common for many people to know they have intuition, but not as common to know that we can choose to tap into the spirit realm. The connection to the other side is always available to us, but it’s a choice if you’d like to communicate back to them.

Mediums can see and hear spirit, just like they experience humans

This is not always the case. The majority of Mediums I know, don’t see or hear spirit as you would a human sitting with you. Don’t get me wrong, it can definitely happen. I’ve seen and heard spirit before, but it doesn’t happen regularly during a mediumship reading. I’ve seen energy and even flickers of light from those that have passed. I have visitations from passed loved ones. I’ve even heard words in my ear as they’ve spoken to me, but in this moment in time, when I give mediumship readings regularly I hear and see spirit through my thoughts. When I see spirit, I mainly see them in my “mind’s eye” almost like a memory in my mind. When I hear spirit, I hear it as if it comes in as my own thought. A word, phrase, or conversation floats in my head.

Mediums are always “on” receiving information from the spirit realm all day

If Mediums were “on” all day, they would be exhausted. Mediums can make a conscious effort to close down their mediumship ability whenever they’d like to. Imagine using binoculars. When you hold the binoculars and shift your focus to a certain spot, you are laser focused on that area and you don’t notice anything else out of your view. Mediums can make a conscious effort to focus on the present moment of living their human life, rather than talking to spirits all day. If we stay open all day, to other people’s passed loved ones, we would be extremely drained.

These are just a few of the many common mediumship misconceptions that have come up, but there are many more. Have you wanted to deepen your connection with the spirit realm? If so, it’s just a channel away.

Join over 400 Mediums around the world and deepen your own Mediumship in my Free Evidential Mediumship Free Video Series.


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