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5 Ways to Learn How to Develop Mediumship Abilities - Feature Image

5 Ways to Learn How to Develop Mediumship Abilities

by | Apr 1, 2021 | Psychic Mediumship Development

Learn how to develop your mediumship ability in five different ways. It’s important to find the right mentor for you and set aside time to practice with mediumship exercises.

Have you been developing your mediumship skills and you’ve been feeling like you’ve hit a plateau? Or maybe you’re just starting out on your mediumship journey and have no clue where to begin. Think about other hobbies and sports you’ve developed skills for. Was it satisfying? How long did it take you to develop confidence in your skill set? Mediumship development is similar and it takes consistent practice for continued growth.

Just like any sport or talent, Mediumship takes dedication.

Comparing Mediumship to playing the piano is the easiest way to describe the process. Some people have an ear for music at a very young age and the piano comes effortlessly to them. Others grow up without any musical talent, but there is a moment in life where they are drawn to learn how to play the piano. They sign up for a class and find a teacher to help them with the proper techniques to learn how to play. Consistent practice helps them develop their skill for playing the piano.

Just like playing the piano, Mediumship requires action too. Some people are aware they have the ability to sense the spirit realm at a young age. Others have an interest in learning more about how to develop their mediumship abilities later in life.

There are many ways to develop your mediumship. Here are just a few ways:

Set aside time to practice

Pick the same time and day, each week, to practice mediumship techniques such as connecting with other people’s passed loved ones or holding a photo of a passed loved while you pick up information about them. When you remain consistent you will not only create momentum, you will build up more experiences to bring you more belief in yourself and more confidence in the spirit world.

Find a mediumship mentor

It’s important to find a mediumship mentor that embodies integrity, experience, and compassion. Trust your heart on choosing the right mentor for you. Having a mediumship mentor will give you a sense of direction and feedback when it comes to your mediumship practice. Mediumship evolves over time and having support from someone that has experience is a must to bring you to new levels on your journey.

Deepen your senses

We all have human senses such as seeing, hearing, feeling, having an inner knowing, smelling, and tasting. These senses are used in Mediumship readings also. Focus your attention on becoming aware of these senses throughout the day. You can do this by taking a little extra time eating your meals and truly savoring the moment. Take time to look at every detail of your food to build up your sense of sight in the details. Close your eyes to smell your food and think of memories that come to mind, just before slowly eating your food. The process of being in the moment through your day will teach you how to pay attention to the details of who you’re sensing from the spirit realm.

Mindset development

Mediumship is not only about fine tuning mediumship techniques, it’s about maintaining your confidence and belief within yourself. It’s very easy to get stuck in your head and get in your own way if you are feeling insecure or second guessing your mediumship. Set aside time to read or listen to audios that cover topics that increase your belief within yourself and ways to move through internal struggles along the way. Keeping your spirits high will alter your mediumship work in a profound way.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

Find peers that are working on their Mediumship, so that you can practice together and also share celebrations and struggles that may come up in Mediumship. This can be from paid groups through mentorships and classes or it can be free groups that you form on your own. Either way, surrounding yourself with others that are experiencing similar situations will bring you a sense of peace knowing that you don’t have to go on this journey alone.

Just like any other skill set in life, Mediumship takes patience and consistent experiences to increase confidence and mastery. Mediums are students for life.

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  1. Candi Wiser

    I am looking for a mediumship mentor, what is the cost and how do I find classes, thank you for your help I appreciate you 💜🕊️✨

    • Lindsay Marino

      Hi Candi! I would love to connect with you about my Mediumship program. My program is called Unlock Your Inner Medium. I have a self-study version and I also have a VIP Mediumship Mentoring portion of this program. Click on the Learn with Lindsay tab on my website, to look at all of my classes/mentorship options. Let me know if you have any other questions at all!


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